Denise Defey
Psychoanalytic Focused Center
She received his undergraduate degree in Psychology in 1979. This is accompanied by other curricular learning experiences that contribute to his task. He graduated early as a language teacher, then, in turn, a teacher of pedagogy and teaching methodology. His language learning subsequently led to sustained translation work of foreign speakers and texts, notoriously "What Works for Whom" by Roth and Fonagy, task entrusted by the International Psychoanalytic Association (IPA) and Psychotherapy Research magazine. The teaching activity marks his work from the beginning, having been early in charge of the course both in the School of Psychology of the University of the Republic (since 1985) and in the Institute of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters (since 1981). His uninterrupted membership in the Faculty of Medicine as a teacher also dates from 1985, transiting different services and chairs. Having worked for the World Health Organization (WHO) and PAHO for 10 years, she has recently worked as a Consultant for the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), of the Ministry of Social Development and now of the Priority Program "Uruguay Crece Contigo "(Presidency of the Republic), carrying out research and teaching activities, as well as producing updating and training materials for Health and Social Sciences professionals. These activities have been carried out in health, educational and community institutions dedicated to Maternity and Early Childhood throughout the territory of Uruguay. He has been in charge of different management responsibilities and teaching tasks within the framework of the University of the Republic. In the Faculty of Medicine, he participates in the Coordination of the Diploma in Psychotherapy in Health Services (Graduate School), as well as teaching in Perinatal Psychology in the School of Midwives and the Bi-National Career in Obstetrics, where he also coordinates A decade ago, research on women in situations of social exclusion (Project "Women without a Voice"). He has taught for two decades in the undergraduate and graduate curricular activities of Medicine, occupying the position of Assistant Professor of the Department of Medical Psychology, activity preceded by a decade of work as a teacher and researcher at the Latin American Center of Perinatology (CLAP-PAHO / WHO). All these activities have generated the production of books and didactic materials in written and video-filmed version, highlighting the written and video-filmed productions of Perinatal Death and the bibliographic collection "Woman and Maternity. Contributions for understanding from Medical Psychology "(volumes I to IV), which brings together authors from various countries in Latin America and the US. He also serves as a professor of Crisis Intervention and Focused Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy at the Faculty of Psychology and as a professor of Medical Psychology at the IUCEDDU Master's Program. As a reviewer of documents for several foreign publications, she frequently works as a Thesis Tutor for undergraduate, master's and doctoral degrees at local and foreign universities, also integrating International Tribunals for the evaluation of Doctoral Thesis. He has co-directed since its creation in 1991 the Institute of Focalized Psychoanalytic Interventions "Agora", from where Perinatal Psychology in the region has also been developed and deepened, which was recognized in 2010 when it was appointed among the Outstanding Women of Uruguay and by the International Society of Gynecology and Psychosomatic Obstetrics ISPOG, who has appointed her as President of the local chapter of the same. Psychoanalytic Focal Psychotherapy and Crisis Intervention have been, from the technical point of view, the psychological work lines that have deepened and spread in various teaching activities and productions. This is currently reflected in the teaching coordination of the Focused Psychoanalytic Interventions Center, where psychologists and psychiatrists carry out their post-graduation training in Psychoanalytic focal psychotherapy and are trained in Intervention in professional Crisis, students, technicians and community operators. The training of technicians in Psychotherapy has also extended to other institutions: INAU, Uruguayan Medical, Children's Villages, Association of Social Assistants of Colonia, Savia Project of the National Drug Board, among others, as well as multiple Psychologists' Associations of the interior of the country. The scientific committee of the X World Congress of Perinatal Medicine entrusted the co-direction (along with Ac. Prof. Miguel Larguia) of the Perinatal Psychology course dictated in said event in 2011. The Mental Health Program of the Ministry of Public Health invited him to participate as an Expert Advisor in the development and implementation of the Mental Health Benefits program within the framework of the National Integrated Health System, entrusting the coordination of the working group on Psychotherapy and Psychosocial Interventions. Actively participated in the creation of the first Executive Commissions of the Uruguayan Federation of Psychotherapy (FUPSI) He has directed, tutored, supervised and participated in multiple investigations, national and foreign, highlighting "Woman and climacteric", held at the Agora Institute and which was awarded by the Society of Medical Psychology of Uruguay and published by Social Science and Medicine in 1999. The "Mujeres Sin Voz" project has produced, in turn, a plethora of research that is currently being published. He participated in the team of professionals who developed, at the request of the Society of Psychiatry, the Clinical Guidelines of Psychotherapy that are a reference of the country and the region. Among his recent activities in this field are the tutorial of an investigation on the Repercussions of the Maternal Death on the Personnel of Health of the Services of Maternity and the evaluation of an investigation on Domestic Violence in the Pregnancy (Faculty of Medicine, UdelaR) , the tutorial of a doctoral thesis on Styles of Adherence to Treatment in Hypertensive Patients (Universidad Católica, Chile) and the supervision of an investigation on Evaluation of Results of Different Psychotherapeutic Approaches to Dysthymia (UCPEL, Brazil). She has been in charge (either as author, co-author or editor) of the publication of several books, which are recognized as the foundation for the deployment of the line of work in Focal Psychotherapy and Intervention in Crisis in Uruguay and other countries of Ibero-America . They stand out: "Focus and Psychoanalysis", "Focal Psychotherapy", "Psychoanalysis. Spotlights and openings "," Lives in Crisis. The technique of psychoanalytic focal psychotherapy in vivo ". In them they participate like co-authors outstanding experts: Héctor Fiorini, Pedro Menéndez, Juan Pablo Jiménez, Ricardo Bernardi, Horst Kächele, Otto Kernberg, Rolph Sandell, Peter Fonagy. In the subject of Perinatal Psychology, the production has been very varied and permanent, including not only the aforementioned "Woman and Maternity" collection. Her most recent bibliographical productions in the area are "Psychological and Social Work with Pregnant Women and their Families in Health Centers" (UNDP-CAIF) in 2009, "Difficult Lives: Maternity and Disability" (University of the Republic) in 2010 , "Maternal De-pressures. Prevalence Study of Maternal Depression in the First Year Postpartum "(UNDP-School of Midwives of the University of the Republic- Ministry of Public Health) in 2011. Participated also in the international collective production" TravesÃas del cuerpo femenino. A look at Gynecology and Obstetrics from Psychoanalysis ", published in Argentina in 2011. Previously, His teaching and research activities (at the undergraduate, masters and doctorate levels) are also carried out in different national and international settings, either as a regular teacher or as a guest lecturer: Catholic University (Uruguay, Brazil, Chile); University of Buenos Aires, Argentine Psychoanalytic Association, Psychoanalytic Association of Buenos Aires, Center for Psychotherapy Studies, University of Entre RÃos (Argentina); Regional Council of Psychology, Scientific Society Sigmund Freud, Universidad del Bebé (Brazil); Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Center of Lima, Center for the Protection of Life, CEDAPP (Peru); University of Ulm (Germany); Institute of Childcare of Paris (France); Complutense University of Madrid, Agora Relational Institute (Spain). Also at the international level he has served as President of the Latin American Chapter of the International Society for Psychotherapy Research (SPR) and is currently coordinating the international working group on Culture and Psychotherapy together with Prof. David Orlinsky. He also develops clinical activity in his private practice. In recognition of several decades of university work in public hospitals, the Diploma in Psychotherapy in Health Services (Graduate School, University of the Republic) has been awarded to him for Outstanding Competence. He has also received the Uruguayan Certificate and the Latin American Psychotherapy Certificate (the latter with mention in Focal Psychotherapy and Intervention in Crisis), awarded respectively by the Uruguayan Federation of Psychotherapy and the Latin American Federation of Psycho.therapy, the latter being endorsed by the World Council of Psychotherapy. Psychotherapy. He has completed a Master's degree in First Level of Attention at the University of the Republic of Uruguay. In recent years she has worked intensively in various social programs, being a Consultant of "CercanÃas" of MIDES and also a Consultant of the Priority Program of the Presidency of Uruguay Crece Contigo
Research Interest
Perinatal Psychology