Call for Abstract

Annual congress on Womens Health & Reproductive Medicine, will be organized around the theme “Revolutionizing the Future Strategies for Women Health Research

Venue: Holiday Inn Lisbon - Continental

Euro Womens Health 2018 is comprised of 18 tracks and 118 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Euro Womens Health 2018.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Common Pregnancy issues include preconception care and prenatal care, miscarriage & stillbirth, premature birth, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), preterm labor and birth defects. Preconception care is the healthcare facilities that a Woman get before her pregnancy and Prenatal care is the caring during pregnancy. Regular caring, health checking, and prenatal visits are highly necessary for mother as well as the fetus in the womb. Preterm birth is one of the most common cause of death and long-term disability of the nervous system of the child. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) are the sudden and unexplained deaths of children below 1 years. 

Annual congress on Women’s Health | Women’s Health Conferences | European Congress on Women’s Health | Euro Women’s Health 2018

  • Track 1-1Preconception care and prenatal care
  • Track 1-2Pregnancy loss (miscarriage and stillbirth)
  • Track 1-3Preterm labor and premature birth
  • Track 1-4Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
  • Track 1-5Birth defects
  • Track 1-6Breastfeeding
  • Track 1-7Influence of Drugs and General Awareness in Pregnancy

The most common disorders that leads to infertility include uterine fibroids, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), primary ovarian insufficiency and endometriosis.  Uterine fibroids, or leiomyoma are the common non-cancerous tumor cells grow in the walls of the uterus and is more common in women with child bearing age (25-44). Uterine fibroids lead to abnormal bleeding from uterus and sever pain. Uterine fibres present in uterus leads to infertility by hindering the pregnancy process. Hysterectomy is the only curing option of fibroids. Endometriosis is another condition in which there are abnormal growth of cells inside the uterus and these cells grow outside of uterus resulting pain and leads to infertility. In case of Primary ovarian insufficiency (POI), the ovaries stop functioning normally before the age of 40. It hinders the ovulation process and leads to infertility. 

Annual congress on Women’s Health | Women’s Health Conferences | European Congress on Women’s Health | Euro Women’s Health 2018

  • Track 2-1Uterine fibroids
  • Track 2-2Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
  • Track 2-3Ovarian and cervical cancers
  • Track 2-4Turner syndrome
  • Track 2-5Rett syndrome

Most of the advanced Surgical Gynaecology techniques are advanced and minimally invasive. These surgical techniques can be used to treat various gynaecological conditions ranging from hysterectomies, to treat infertility, and to remove painful fibroids. The most commonly used surgery techniques are: laparoscopy, hysterectomy, & robotic surgery. Hysteroscopy is performed to treat Endometrial Ablation, fibroids and to do permanent birth control. Laparoscopy is commonly used to diagnosis the condition of outer part of uterus, Endometriosis, treatment of fibroids and infertility, Hysterectomy including sterilization. 

 Annual congress on Women’s Health | Women’s Health Conferences | European Congress on Women’s Health | Euro Womens Health 2018

  • Track 3-1Minimal Invasive Procedures
  • Track 3-2Surgical treatment of urinary incontinence
  • Track 3-3Trends in OB/GYN Procedures
  • Track 3-4Gynecological Surgery Procedures: Hysteroscopy, Laparoscopy, da Vinci Robotic Surgery etc.
  • Track 3-5Adhesiolysis & Cervical (Cone) Biopsy
  • Track 3-6Colporrhaphy and Colposcopy
  • Track 3-7Dilation and Curettage (D&C)
  • Track 3-8Endometrial Ablation & Uterine Biopsy
  • Track 3-9Fluid-Contrast Ultrasound (FCUS)
  • Track 3-10Hysterectomy & Hysterosalpingography
  • Track 3-11Pelvic Ultrasound & Laparoscopy
  • Track 3-12LEEP Procedure
  • Track 3-13Minimally invasive gynecologic surgery

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a condition in which one in each 10 women are generally affected. PCOS condition leads to hormonal imbalance in women’s body and affects the overall health and appearance. PCOS is considered as one of the common reason of infertility and is treatable. Between 5-10% of women with child bearing age (15-44) generally affected by PCOS. PCOS generally affects ovaries, responsible to produce estrogen and progesterone hormone. PCOS most commonly remains undiagnosed. About 70% of women affected with PCOS remains undiagnosed.  Some common symptoms of PCOS include Irregular menstrual cycle, hirsutism, Acne, thinning of hair, excess Weight gain, Darkening of skin and skin tagging. There is no cure for PCOS, but medications are being used to manage the symptoms of PCOS

 Annual congress on Womens Health | Womens Health Conferences | European Congress on Womens Health

  • Track 4-1Diagnosis, Treatment & Management of PCOS: Current trends, advancements & future strategies
  • Track 4-2Complications of PCOS
  • Track 4-3PCOS Diagnosis methods: Ultrasound, Hormonal blood tests, Testing adolescents for PCOS, glucose metabolism/ tolerance tests etc.
  • Track 4-4PCOS & Pregnancy
  • Track 4-5Effects or PCOS on Women’s Health
  • Track 4-6PCOS in Teens and Adolescents: Early Diagnosis and Intervention
  • Track 4-7PCOS Medications: Hormonal birth control, including the pill, patch, shot, vaginal ring, and hormone intrauterine device (IUD), Anti-androgen medicines and Metformin etc.

Menstrual cycle irregularities, pelvic floor disorders, bacterial vaginosis, vaginitis, ulvodynia etc. are the most common Gynaecological Health Disorders globally. Menstrual irregularities is defined as the variation in normal menstrual cycle that leads to timely period missing, excess bleedings etc. Urinary Tract Disorders are the problem occurs inside the urinary tract and the bladder. The two most common disorders are Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs), and Urinary Incontinence (UI).  UI, fecal incontinence, and pelvic organ prolapse are the common pelvic floor disorders. Vaginitis occurs due to inflammation of the vagina resulting burning sensation, pain, itching and liquid discharge with bad odour. 

Annual congress on Womens Health & Reproductive Medicine, Dec 04-05, 2018, Lisbon, Portugal | EURO WOMENS HEALTH 2018 | WOMENS HEALTH 2018 | EURO WOMENS HEALTH Conferences | Women Health | Women Health Conferences | Reproductive Medicine Conferences | midwifery Conferences | Women Health and Breast Cancer Conferences | Top Womens Health Conference | Best Medical Conferences | Obstetrics & Gynecology Conferences | Annual Womens Health Conferences | stillbirths |  PCOS in Teens and Adolescents: Early Diagnosis and Intervention | abdominal cavity | Abdominal circumference  | abnormal bleeding and polyps | Abortion | Abortion and Women health | Abortion Pill | AC | ACH | AD | Adenocarcinomas | Adrenal Disorders | Advanced Management of PCOS | Advanced Polycystic Ovarian Diseases Treatment | Advanced Type 1 Diabetes Treatment | Advanced Type 2 Diabetes Treatment | Advances In In-vitro Fertilization | Advances in Obstetrics and Gynecology | Advances in Steroids Detection | Advances in Steroids Treatment | Advances of Diabetes Cure | Adverse outcome | AFI | After coming head | Afterbirth | Afterpains | Alternative PCOS Treatment | Amniocentesis | Amniocentesis | Amniotic Fluid | Amniotic Fluid Index | Amniotic Sac | Anabolic Steroids | Anaemia | ANC | Antenatal | Antenatal care | Antenatal clinic  | Antepartum haemorrhage  | Anteverted (uterus)  | Apgar Score | APH | Appetite | AR | Areola | ARM | ART | ART cycle | ART procedures | ART  | Artificial Insemination | Artificial insemination | Artificial rupture of | ASD | Assisted Reproduction | Assisted Reproductive Technology | Atrial Septal Defect | Autoimmune Diseases | Autosomal Dominant  | Autosomal Recessive  | AV | Bacterial vaginosis | Balanitis | Bartholin's cyst | Basal Metabolic Rate | BBA | Behavioral Endocrinology | Belly Fat | Bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy  | Biophysical Profile  | Biophysical Score  | Biparietal diameter  | Birthcontrol | BMI | Body mass index | Born before arrival | BPD | BPP | BPS | Braxton Hicks Contractions | Breakthrough bleeding  | Breast and Cervical Cancer | Breast Cancer | Breast Cancer | Breast disease | Breast Diseases | Breast Feeding | Breastfeeding | Breastfeeding and diet | Breastfeeding problems | BSO | BTB | Caesarean section | Caesarean section  | Calcium Homeostasis | Canceled cycle | Candidiasis (thrush) | Candidiasis | men | Cardiotocograph   | Catabolic Steroids | CAVSD | CCAM | CCT | CDH | Cellular Endocrinology | Cephalic presentation | Cephalo-pelvic disproportion  | Cervical Cancer | Cervical Cancers | Cervical Cancers | Cervical Dilation | Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia | Cervix | cervix | Cesarean Delivery | CF | CH | Childhood Diabetes | Chlamydia | Chorionic Villous Sample | Chorionic villus sampling | Chorionic Villus Sampling | CIN | CISC | Cisterna Magna  | CLC | Clean intermittent self | Clinical Gynecologic Oncology | Clinical Gynecologic Oncology | Clinical Gynecologic Oncology | CM | COCP | Colostrum | Combination cycle | Combined atrial ventricular | Combined contraceptive pill | Combined oral contraceptive | Combined Test (or | combined therapy (in | Community led care | Comparative Endocrinology | Complications of Hyperglycemia | Complications of Hypoglycemia | Concentration of motile sperm | Condoms (male and female) | Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid | Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia | Continuous | Contraception | Contraceptive injections | Contraceptive patch | Contractions | Controlled cord traction | Corpus Luteum | Cortico Steroids | Cortisol | CPD | CRL | Crown-rump length  | Cryopreservation | CS | CT | CTG | CVS | Cystic Fibrosis  | Cystic Hygroma  | DA | DCDA | Deep venous thrombosis | Detrusor overactivity  | Diabetes | Diabetes and Alcohol | Diabetes and Weight Loss | Diabetes Cholestrol | Diabetes for Dummies | Diabetes Lipid Metabolism | Diabetes Statistics | Diamorphine | Diaphragms and caps | Diarrhea In Pregnancy | DIC | Dichorionic Diamniotic Twins | Dilatation | Diminished ovarian reserve | Disseminated intravascular coagulation | DOA | Domestic violence on women | Donor egg cycle | Donor embryo | Down's Syndrome | Downs syndrome  | Dry vagina | DS | DUB | Ductus Venosus  | Duodenal Atresia  | DV | DVT | Dysfunctional uterine bleeding | Dyspepsia in pregnancy | EB | EC | Ectopic pregnancy | Ectopic pregnancy | ECV | EDD | EDF | Effects of Drugs on Pregnancy | Effects of PCOS on Womens Health | EFW | egg | Egg retrieval | Egg transfer | Embryo | embryo implantation | Embryo transfer | Emergency contraception | Emergency contraception  | Emergency contraceptive pill | End diastolic flow | Endocrine Oncology | Endocrine System Diseases | Endocrinologist | Endocrinologist Communication | Endocrinology | Endocrinology Case Reports | Endometreosis In Pregnancy | Endometrial biopsy  | Endometrial Cancer | Endometrial Cancer | Endometrial thickness  | Endometriosis | Endometriosis | Endometriosis | Endometriosis | Endometriosis Treatment | Engorgement | Entonox | Epidural | Epidural anaesthesia | Epidural Steroids | Episiotomy | Episiotomy | ERPC | Estimated date of | Estimated fetal weight | ET | Ethical Legal and Social Issues | EUA | EUA Examination under anaesthesia | Evacuation of retained | Examination under anaesthesia | External cephalic version | Fallopian Tube | fallopian tube | Fallopian Tubes | Family Planning | Family Planning | FBS | female reproductive cell | Female sterilisation | Female Steroids | Femur Length   | Fertility Acupuncture | fertility medications | fertility treatment | fertilization of the egg | fertilize egg | fertilized egg implants | Fetal blood sample  | Fetal Distress | Fetal heart   | Fetal heart heard  | Fetal movements (Felt)  | Fetal scalp electrode  | FH | FHH | Fibroids | First Stage of Labour | FL | FM(F) | Foetal alcohol syndrome | Folic Acid | Forceps | frozen embryos  | FSE | Fundus | gamete intrafallopian transfer | Genital herpes | Genital warts | Genitalia | Genuine stress incontinence  | Gestation related optimal weight | Gestational Diabetes | GIFT | Goiter | Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone | Gonorrhoea | Graves Disease | Graves’ Disease | GROW | GSI | Guthrie Test | gynaecological oncology | Gynecologic Cancer: Case Reports | Gynecologic Cancer: Case Reports | Gynecologic Cancer: Signs and Symptoms | Gynecologic Cancer: Signs and Symptoms | Gynecologic Cancer: Treatment and Monitoring | Gynecologic Cancer: Treatment and Monitoring | Gynecologic Cancers: Case Report | Gynecologic Cancers: Case Report | Gynecologic Diseases | Gynecologic Diseases | Gynecologic Oncology | Gynecologic Oncology | Gynecologic Oncology: Research | Gynecologic Oncology: Research | Gynecologic Surgery | Gynecologic Surgery | Gynecologic Surgery | Gynecological Endocrinology | Gynecological Endocrinology | Gynecological Endocrinology | Gynecological Oncology | Gynecological Oncology | Gynecology | Gynecology & Obstetrics | Gynecology & Obstetrics | Gynecology and Obstetrics | Gynecology and Obstetrics | Gynecology and Oncology Nursing | Gynecology and Oncology Nursing | Gyno Steroids | Haemoglobin | Haemorrhage | Haemorrhoids (piles) | Hashimotos Thyroiditis | HC | Head circumference   | Health-Related Behaviours in Women | Health-Related Behaviours in Women | Health-Related Behaviours In Women | Hernia | HIE | High Risk Pregnancy | High vaginal swab  | HIV and AIDS | HIV And Pregnancy | HL | HLH(S) | Hormonal Disorders | Hormonal Imbalance | Hormonal Therapy | Hormone Epinephrine | Hormone replacement therapy  | HPV | HPV Vaccines | HPV Vaccines | HRT | Human papilloma virus  | Human papilloma Virus Infection | Human papilloma Virus Infection | Humerus Length   | HVS | Hydrocortisone | Hyperemesis gravidarum | Hyperthyroidism | Hyperthyroidism Symptoms | Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome | Hypothyroidism | Hypothyroidism Symptoms | Hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy  | Hysterectomy | Illegal Steroids | IMB | Impact Factor | In Vitro Fertilization | induced terminations | Induction of labour  | Infertility | Infertility | Infertility | Infertility | Infertility Treatment | Insulin Resistance | Intermenstrual bleeding   | Intrauterine device   | Intrauterine device (IUD) | Intrauterine fetal death  | Intrauterine growth restriction  | Intrauterine insemination | Intrauterine system   | Intrauterine system (IUS) | Intrauterine transfusion   | Involution | Iodine Deficiency | Iodine Supplements | IOL | IUD | IUD | IUD | IUFD | IUGR | IUI | IUS | IUS | IUT | IVF | IVF | IVF Treatment | Jaundice | KFD | Kielland’s Forceps Delivery  | Labour | Labour | Laparoscopically assisted vaginal hysterectomy | Last menstrual period  | Latest Research on Diabetes | LAVH | Let-down | Levothyroxine | Linea Nigra | Liquid Steroids | live birth | LMP | Lochia | Lower segment Caesarean section | LSCS | Male contraceptive pill | Male Reproductive Cancers | Male Reproductive Cancers | Mammary Gland | Manual Removal Of Placenta | Mastitis | Mastitis | maternal age | Maternal and Child Health | maternal and fetal medicine | Maternal Fetal Medicine | Maternal Fetal Medicine | Maternal health | Maternal serum screening  | Maternal-Fetal Medicine | Mauriceau-Smellie-Viet manoeuvre (in breech | MCA | MCDA | MCMA | Meconium | Medical Diagnosis of PCOS | Medicated Intrauterine Devices | Menopausal and Post-Menopausal Health | Menopause | Menopause | Menopause | Menopause | Menopause Symptoms | Menstrual Cycle | Menstrualcycle | Mental health | Metabolic Acidosis | Metabolic Disorder | Metabolic Nutrition | Metabolic Pathway | Metabolic Syndrome | Metabolic Syndrome Diet | Metabolic Weight Loss | Metabolism | Metabolism Boosters | Middle Cerebral Artery  | Midwifery | Midwifery | Midwifery nurse practitioner Education | Miscarriage | miscarriage | Monochorionic Diamniotic Twins  | Monochorionic Monoamniotic Twins  | Morning sickness | Mother Health | MROP | MSS | MSV | NAD | Nasal Steroids | Natural family planning | Nausea | Nausea Pregnancy | NBFD | Neonatal death   | Neonatology | Neural tube defect  | Neuroactive steroids | Neuro-Endocrinology | Neville Barnes Forceps Delivery | NIEL | NIPT | NND | No abnormality detected  | Non-invasive prenatal testing  | Non-specific urethritis | Normal vaginal delivery  | Not in established labour | NT | NTD | Nuchal translucency   | Nuchal Translucency Scan | NVD | OA | Obesity and Diabetes | Obstetrics | Obstetrics and Gynecology | Occipito-anterior position   | Occipito-lateral position   | Occipito-posterior position   | Occipito-transverse position   | Oedema | OL | oocyte  | oocyte retrieval | oocyte transfer | OP | Oral Steroids | OT | Ovarian Cancer | Ovarian Cancers | Ovarian Cancers | Ovarian Cyst | ovarian follicles | ovarian stimulation | ovaries | Ovulation pain | ovum | Oxytocin | PA | Paediatric Endocrinology | Parathyroid | Parathyroid Hormone | parental rights | Pathophysiology of Diabetes | PCB | PCOS | PCOS and Pregnancy | PCOS- Medications and Treatment | PE | Pediatrics | Pelvic Floor | Pelvic inflammatory disease | Pelvic inflammatory disease  | Perinatal Infections | Perineum | Persistent occipito-posterior position or pill | PET | Pethidine | Pheromone | PI | PID | PIH | Placenta | Placenta Praevia | PMB | PMS/T | Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome | Polycystic ovarian syndrome  | Polycystic Ovary Syndrome | Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) | Polyhydramnios (too much amniotic fluid) | POP | Post coital bleeding  | Post void | Posterior Ventricular | Postmenopausal bleed   | Postnatal | Postnatal depression | Postpartum haemorrhage   | Postpartum psychosis | PP | PPH | PPROM | Preclampsia In Pregnancy | Preconception | Pre-eclampsia | Pre-eclamptic toxaemia   | Pregnancy | Pregnancy and baby guide | Pregnancy and Child health | Pregnancy Care | Pregnancy Constipation | Pregnancy Diabetes | Pregnancy Fitness | Pregnancy Nutrition | Pregnancy test | Pregnancy-induced hypertension   | Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) | Premature ejaculation | Premature Ovarian Failure (POF) | Premature prelabour | Premenstrual syndrome/tension   | Prenatal Care | Prenatal Diagnosis | Prenatal Diagnosis | Prenatal Healthcare | Presenting part   | Prevention and Management of PCOS | Progestogen only pill | Prolactin | Prolonged ruptureterm) | PROM | PT | Pubic lice | Puerperium | Pulmonary Artery   | Pulmonary embolism   | Pulsatility Index   | PVR | Recent Research and Current Advancements in PCOS Treatment | Reproductive and Sexual Health | Reproductive Behavior | Reproductive Biology | Reproductive Genetics | Reproductive Health | Reproductive Health | Reproductive Medicine | Reproductive Medicine | Reproductive Medicine | reproductive medicine | Reproductive System | Retroverted (uterus) | Reverse Diabetes | RhD | Rhesus Disease | RV | Sacrospinous colpopexy | Sacrospinous fixation | SB | Scabies | Second Stage of Labour | Self retaining | Semen Analysis And Sperm Characteristics | Sex Hormone | Sex Hormones | Sex Organ | Sex-Determination | Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights | Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights | Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights | Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights | sexual and reproductive healthcare | Sexual Disorders | Sexual health clinics | Sexual intercourse | Sexual Problems in Women | Sexually Transmitted Disease | Sexually Transmitted Diseases | SFGA | Show | SI | Small for | Smoking In Pregnancy | SPC | SPD | Spermatogonia | Spermatozoa | Spina Bifida | Spontaneous rupture | Spontaneous vaginal | SRC | SROM | SSCP | SSF | STAH | Steroid Myopathy | Steroid Transformation | Steroids Addiction | Steroids and Alcohol | Steroids in Pregnancy | Steroids Supplements | Stillbirth  | Stitches | STOP | Stress In Pregnancy | Stretch marks | Subtotal abdominal | Suction termination | Suprapubic catheter | SVD | Sweep | Symphysis pubis | Syndrome X | Synthetic Steroids | Syntocinon | Syphilis | T13 | T18 | T21 | TAH | TBA | TCD | TCRF | TENS | Tension free | Termination Of Pregnancy | TGA | Thermal balloon | Thrush | Thrush | men | Thyroid Cancer | Thyroid Gland | Thyroid Nodules | Thyroid Symptoms | Thyroid Test | Thyroid Treatment | Thyroidectomy | Thyrotoxicosis | Thyroxine | TLH | TOF | TOS | Total abdominal | Total Laparoscopic | TR | Tracheo-oesophageal Fistula | Tranexamic acid | TransCerebellar Diameter | Transcervical resection | Transformation zone | Transition | Transposition of | Transverse Lie | Trial of | Trial without | Trichomoniasis | Tricuspid Regurgitation | Triple test | Trisomy  | Trisomy  | Trisomy  | TSH Levels | TSH Test | TT | TTTS | Turner’s syndrome | TVT(O) | Twin To | TWOC | TXA | Type 1 Diabetes | Type 2 Diabetes | TZ | UA | UDS | Ultrasound Pregnancy | Ultrasound scan | Umbilical Artery | undeveloped eggs | Unisexual Reproduction | Urinary tract | Urinary Tract Infection | Uro- Gynecology | Uro- Gynecology | Urodynamic stress | Urodynamic study | urogynaecology | Urogynecology | Uro-Gynecology | Uro-Gynecology | USI | USS | Uterine Cancer | Uterine disease | uterine lining | Uterus | Uterus | uterus | UTI | Vagina | Vaginal birth | Vaginal dryness | Vaginal hysterectomy | Vaginal Infections (Vaginitis) | Vaginal intraepithelial | VAIN | Varicose veins | Vasectomy | Vasectomy | VBAC | Venous thromboembolism | Ventouse | Ventricular Septal | Vernix | Veterinary Steroids | VH | VIN | Violence against women | vitro fertilization | Vp | VSD | VTE | Vulval intraepithelial | Warts | genital | Waters Breaking | WB | Withdrawal bleed | Woman Cancer | Woman Diabetes | Woman Disorders | Woman Hormones | Woman Mental Health | Woman Psychology | Women Cancers | Women Cancers | Women Oncology | Women Reproductive Cancers | Women Reproductive Cancers | Women’s Health | Womens diet and nutrition | Women's Fitness | Women's Health | XO | ZIFT | zygote intrafallopian transfer | Fetus | unborn offspring | conception | Follicle | developing egg | Follicle-Stimulating Hormone | FSH | pituitary gland | ovarian reserve | Fresh eggs | sperm | embryos | Frozen embryo cycle | cryopreserved embroys | Gamete | reproductive cell | Acne | Anorexia nervosa | Anxiety disorders | Asthma | Autoimmune diseases | Bacterial vaginosis | Binge eating | Birth control | Bladder control | Bladder pain syndrome (interstitial cystitis) | Bleeding disorders | Body image | Breastfeeding | Bulimia nervosa | Cancer | Caregiver stress | Carpal tunnel syndrome | Cervical cancer | Chlamydia | Chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME/CFS) | Date rape drugs | Depression | Depression during and after pregnancy | Diabetes | Domestic violence/abuse | Douching | Early-stage breast cancer treatment | Breast reconstruction after mastectomy | Emergency birth control/emergency contraception | Endometriosis | Female genital cutting | Fibroids (uterine) | Fibromyalgia | Fitness and nutrition | Folic acid | Genital herpes | Genital warts | Gonorrhea | Graves' disease | Hashimoto's disease | Healthcare and women | Improving Women's Health | Heart disease | Make the Call | Heart-healthy eating | Hepatitis | Herpes | HIV and AIDS | Human papillomavirus (HPV) | Hysterectomy | Infertility | Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) | Insomnia | Interstitial cystitis (bladder pain syndrome) | Iron-deficiency anemia | Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) | Lupus | Mammograms | Menopause | Menstruation and the menstrual cycle | Mental health | Migraine | Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) | Myasthenia gravis | National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day | National Women's Health Week | Nursing (breastfeeding) | Nutrition (and fitness) | Oral health | Osteoporosis | Ovarian cancer | Ovarian cysts | Ovarian syndrome (PCOS or polycystic ovary syndrome) | Overweight | obesity | and weight loss | Pap test | Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) | Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) | Pelvic organ prolapse | Period (menstruation) | Physical activity (exercise) | Pregnancy | Depression during and after pregnancy | Pregnancy and medicines | Pregnancy tests | Prenatal care | Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) | Screening tests and vaccines | Sexual assault | Sexually transmitted infections (STDs | STIs) | Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) | pregnancy | and breastfeeding | Spider veins and varicose veins | Stress and your health | Stroke | Syphilis | Thyroid disease | Trichomoniasis | Urinary incontinence | Urinary tract infection (UTI) | Uterine cancer | Uterine fibroids | Vaginal yeast infections | Varicose veins and spider veins | Violence against women | Viral hepatitis | Weight loss (and overweight and obesity) | Yeast infections | Yeast Infection | PCOS | Thyroid Problems | Urinary Tract Infection | Hashimoto's Thyroiditis | Hypothyroidism | Endometriosis | Ovarian Cyst | Graves' Disease | TSH | Pelvic Inflammatory Disease | Hysterectomy | Birth Control | HIV and HPV | Breast Implants  | Caregiving | College Health | Diabetes | Healthy Aging | Heart Health | Mammograms | Menopause  | Pregnancy | Safe Medication Use | Hispanic Women's Health | Learning Disabilities | McCune-Albright Syndrome (MAS) | Men's Reproductive Health | Menkes Disease | Menopause | Menstruation and Menstrual Problems | Muscular Dystrophy | Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC) | Neural Tube Defects (NTDs) | Neuroscience | Newborn Screening | Obesity and Overweight | Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI) | Pediatric Injury | Pelvic Floor Disorders | Pelvic Pain | Pharmacology | Phenylketonuria (PKU) | Pheochromocytoma and Paraganglioma | Pituitary Tumors | Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) | Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS) | Preconception Care and Prenatal Care | Preeclampsia and Eclampsia | Pregnancy | Pregnancy Loss | Preterm Labor and Birth | Primary Ovarian Insufficiency (POI) | Puberty and Precocious Puberty | Reading and Reading Disorders | Rehabilitation Medicine | Rehabilitative and Assistive Technology | Rett Syndrome | Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) | Sleep | Spina Bifida | Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) | Stillbirth | Stroke | Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) | Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) | Turner Syndrome | Urinary Tract Health | Uterine Fibroids | Vaginitis | Vasectomy | Vulvodynia | Zika | Gynecology | Minimally Invasive Surgery | Surgical Oncology | Obstetrics/Perinatology/Midwifery | Reproductive Medicine | Interventional Radiology | Early labor | Premature labor | Premature delivery | Premature birth | Preemie (for infant born preterm) | Preterm labor | Preterm birth | Preterm infant | Late-preterm birth | postmenopausal osteoporosis | Type I osteoporosis | Type II osteoporosis | senile osteoporosis | Endocrine disorders | Marrow disorders | Collagen disorders | Gastrointestinal disorders | Seizure disorders | Eating disorders   | anorexia |  bulimia |  Diagnosing Osteoporosis | Infrequent menstrual periods | Female age | pelvic infections or sexually transmitted diseases | uterine fibroids or endometrial polyps | semen abnormalities | History and physical examination | Transvaginal ultrasound | Laboratory testing | Hysterosalpingogram (HSG) | Semen analysis  | Advancing maternal age | Ovulation disorders | Tubal occlusion | Male factor infertility  | Treatment for Infertility | Insemination | Intrauterine insemination | Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) | Chlamydia | Gonorrhea | Genital Herpes | Hepatitis | HIV/AIDS & STDs | Human Papillomavirus (HPV) | Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) | Syphilis | Trichomoniasis | STDs & Infertility | STDs during Pregnancy | Other STDs | Oral Sex and STIs | STIs and Cancer | Vaccines | Prevention Tips | Myths and Facts | Condoms | Chlamydia | Crabs | Gonorrhea | Hepatitis | Herpes | HIV | HPV | MGen | Molluscum | NGU | PID | Scabies | Syphilis | Trichomoniasis | HIV TESTING | burning during urination | testicular pain and/or swelling | a green | white | or yellow discharge from the penis | spotting after sexual intercourse | swelling of the vulva (vulvitis) | irregular bleeding (between periods) | pink eye (conjunctivitis) | pain in the pelvic area | burning or pain during urination | AIDS | ALT | anti-HBc | anti-HCV | ASC-US | BCA | BV | CBC | CI | CIN | CLD | CLIA | CNS | CSF | DFA | DGI | dL | DNA | EC | EIA | ELISA | EPT | FDA | FTA-ABS | gG | GNID | HAART | HAV | HBIG | HbsAg | HBV | HCC | HCV | HPV | HSV | IFA | IgE | Ig | IgG | IgM | IM | IUD | IV | KOH | LGV | MAC | MIC | MSM | N-9 | NAAT | NGU | nPEP | Pap | PCR | PEP | PID | PO | PPV | QRNG | RNA | RPR | RT-PCR | RVVC | SIL | STD | TCA | TE | TP-PA | VDRL | VVC | WB | WBC | WSW | Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome | Alanine aminotransferase | Antibody to hepatitis B core antigen | Hepatitis C antibodies | Atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance | Bichloroacetic acid | Bacterial vaginosis | Complete blood count | Confidence interval | Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia | Chronic liver disease | Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments | Central nervous system | Cerebrospinal fluid | Direct fluorescent antibody | Disseminated gonococcal infection | Deciliter | Deoxyribonucleic acid | Emergency contraception | Enzyme immunoassay | Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay | Expedited partner therapy | Food and Drug Administration | Fluorescent treponemal antibody absorbed | Glycoprotein G | Gram-negative intracellular diplococci | Highly active antiretroviral therapy | Hepatitis A virus | Hepatitis B immune globulin | Hepatitis B surface antigen | Hepatitis B virus | hepatocellular carcinoma | Hepatitis C virus | Human papillomavirus | Herpes simplex virus | Immunofluorescence assay | Immunoglobulin E | Immune globulin | Immunoglobulin G | Immunoglobulin M | Intramuscularly | Intrauterine device | Intravenous or intravenously | Potassium hydroxide | Lymphogranuloma venereum | Mycobacterium avium complex | Minimum inhibitory concentration | Men who have sex with men | Nonoxynol-9 | Nucleic acid amplification test | Nongonococcal urethritis | Nonoccupational postexposure prophylaxis | Papanicolaou | Polymerase chain reaction | Postexposure prophylaxis | Pelvic inflammatory disease | By mouth | Positive predictive value | Quinolone-resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae | Ribonucleic acid | Rapid plasma reagin | Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction | Recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis | Squamous intraepithelial lesion | Sexually transmitted disease | Trichloroacetic acid | Toxoplasmic encephalitis | Treponema pallidum particle agglutation | Venereal Disease Research Laboratory | Vulvovaginal candidiasis | Western blot | White blood count | Women who have sex with women | Bicillin-LA (benzathine penicillin G)  | Gemifloxacin  | Procaine Penicillin G | Diseases Characterized by Vaginal Dischargeexpand | Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) | Epididymitis | Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Infection | Anogenital Warts | HPV-Associated Cancers and Precancers | Viral Hepatitis | Proctitis | Proctocolitis | and Enteritis | Ectoparasitic Infections | Sexual Assault and Abuse and STDs | Conditions Treated | Bladder Incontinence | Cervical Insufficiency | Congenital Abnormalities | Diabetes | Egg Freezing | Endometriosis | Fecal Incontinence | Fibroids | Heart Disease | High Blood Pressure | Hirsutism | Infectious Diseases | Infertility | Kidney Disease | Menopause | Oncofertility | Pelvic Floor Disorders | Pre-cancerous and Cancerous Abnormalities | Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) | Pregnancy | Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) | Prolapse | Recurrent Pregnancy Loss | Reproductive Surgery | Sexually-transmitted Diseases | Urinary Tract Infection | Vaginal Yeast Infection | Vulvodynia | Chancroid Symptoms | Test & Treatment | Chancroid In-Depth | Chancroid Blog | Pictures of Chancroid | Chlamydia Symptoms | Test & Treatment | Chlamydia In-Depth | Chlamydia Blog | Pictures of Chlamydia | Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Symptoms | Test & Treatment | Cytomegalovirus In-Depth | Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Blog | Additional Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Resources | Donovanosis Symptoms | Test & Treatment | Donovanosis In-Depth | Donovanosis Blog | Donovanosis Symptoms | Genital Warts Symptoms | Test & Treatment | Genital Warts In-Depth | Genital Warts Blog | Pictures of Genital Warts | Gonorrhea Symptoms | Test & Treatment | Gonorrhea In-Depth | Gonorrhea Blog | Pictures of Gonorrhea | Hepatitis Symptoms | Test & Treatment | Hepatitis In-Depth | Hepatitis Blog | Additional Hepatitis Resources | Herpes Symptoms | Test & Treatment | Herpes In-Depth | Herpes Blog | Pictures of Herpes | HIV Symptoms | Test & Treatment | HIV In-Depth | HIV Blog | Pictures of HIV(AIDS) | HTLV Symptoms | Test & Treatment | HTLV In-Depth | HTLV Blog | HTLV Symptoms | Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Symptoms | Test & Treatment | Human Papillomavirus (HPV) In-Depth | Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Blog | Additional Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Resources | Pictures of Genital Warts | Intestinal Parasites Symptoms | Test & Treatment | Intestinal Parasites In-Depth | Intestinal Parasites Blog | Additional Intestinal Parasites Resources | Lymphogranuloma Venereum (LGV) Symptoms | Test & Treatment | Lymphogranuloma Venereum (LGV) In-Depth | Lymphogranuloma Venereum (LGV) Blog | Pictures of Lymphogranuloma Venereum (LGV) | Molluscum Contagiosum Symptoms | Test & Treatment | Molluscum Contagiosum In-Depth | Molluscum Contagiosum Blog | Pictures of Molluscum Contagiosum | Mononucleosis Symptoms | Test & Treatment | Mononucleosis (‘Mono’) In-Depth | Mononucleosis Blog | Mycoplasma Genitalium Symptoms | Test & Treatment | Mycoplasma Genitalium In-Depth | Mycoplasma Genitalium Blog | Additional Mycoplasma Genitalium | Nongonococcal Urethritis Symptoms | Test & Treatment | Nongonococcal Urethritis In-Depth | Nongonococcal Urethritis Blog | Additional Nongonococcal Urethritis  | Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) Symptoms | Test & Treatment | Pelvic Inflammatory Disease In-Depth | Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) Blog | Additional Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) | Pubic Lice Symptoms | Test & Treatment | Pubic Lice (‘Crabs’) In-Depth | Pubic Lice Blog | Pictures of Pubic Lice | Scabies Symptoms | Test & Treatment | Scabies In-Depth | Scabies Blog | Pictures of Scabies | Syphilis Symptoms | Test & Treatment | Syphilis In-Depth | Syphilis Blog | Pictures of Syphilis | Trichomoniasis Symptoms | Test & Treatment | Trichomoniasis In-Depth | Trichomoniasis Blog | Additional Trichomoniasis  | Vaginitis Symptoms | Test & Treatment | Vaginitis In-Depth | Vaginitis Blog | Pictures of Vaginitis | Zika Symptoms | Test & Treatment | Zika In-Depth | Zika Blog | Zika Symptoms | Anal Gonorrhea and Chlamydia Test | Syphilis | HIV and Hepatitis B / C Test Kit | Gonorrhea Test Kit | Chlamydia Test Kit | Extended STI Test Kit | HPV test kit | Men who have sex with men test kit | Oral Chlamydia and Gonorrhea Test Kit | STI Test Kits For Women | Related Information | Anonymous Home STD Test | List of STDs and Symptoms | Symptoms Of Gonorrhea In Men And Women | Test for Genital Herpes | Gonorrhoea Treatment

Annual congress on Women’s Health | Women’s Health Conferences | European Congress on Women’s Health | Euro Women’s Health 2018

  • Track 5-1Menstruation and menstrual irregularities
  • Track 5-2Urinary tract health & disorders
  • Track 5-3Urinary incontinence and pelvic floor disorders
  • Track 5-4Bacterial vaginosis & vaginitis
  • Track 5-5Uterine fibroids, and vulvodynia

Endometriosis is the growth of tissues of the inner lines of the uterus to outside of uterus. In healthcare terms, lesions/nodules/implants are used to describes the endometrial patches. Most of the Endometriosis patches grow in the pelvic cavity and generally, on or over the two ovaries and ovaries, behind the uterus or tissues holding the uterus, and on the bowels or bladder. The major symptom is the pelvic pain very often linked with menstrual cycle, sometimes cramping during the period and the pain is worse than regular pains during the cycle. The main complication of Endometriosis is infertility. About 30-50% women suffering with Endometriosis face difficulties in their pregnancy. 

Annual congress on Women’s Health | Women’s Health Conferences | European Congress on Women’s Health | Euro Women’s Health 2018

  • Track 6-1Diagnosis, Treatment & Management
  • Track 6-2Clinical trials in Endometriosis
  • Track 6-3Endometriosis: Risk factor for ovarian cancer/ Endometrial cancer?
  • Track 6-4Endometriosis therapies: Elagolix (ABT–620), OBE2109, Relugolix , & Ovarest (leuprolide) etc.
  • Track 6-5Challanges in Endometriosis treatment and future innovations

Osteoporosis resulted in weakening of bones and increases the risk of sudden or unexpected fractures. In Osteoporosis there are the loss of bone mass & strength resulting pours bones. Osteoporosis frequently progress without any noticeable symptoms or pains like other Women’s Health issues.  The exact cause of Osteoporosis is unknown. The risk of developing Osteoporosis is common in woman at post menopause state.  Osteoporosis is very common in women as compared to men. There are two types of Osteoporosis:

  • Type I Osteoporosis: It is otherwise known as Postmenopausal Osteoporosis and happens after menopause at that time when estrogen levels decrease rapidly. During this, bone loss occurs in trabecular bones inside hard cortical bone.
  • Type II osteoporosis: Called as  senile Osteoporosis and occurs after age of 70 and results in thinning of  both the trabecular as well as cortical bone.

Annual congress on Women’s Health | Women’s Health Conferences | European Congress on Women’s Health | Euro Women’s Health 2018

  • Track 7-1Postmenopausal Osteoporosis: Prevention, Treatment & Management
  • Track 7-2Senile Osteoporosis
  • Track 7-3Conservative Treatments for Osteoporosis
  • Track 7-4Surgery for Vertebral Fractures
  • Track 7-5Hormone therapy for osteoporosis
  • Track 7-6Calcium and Vitamin D: Top Foods to Prevent Osteoporosis

Contraception is otherwise called as birth control or fertility control. Contraception is the method to use some device to prevent pregnancy. Though birth control systems are available since ancient times, safe, secure and effective methods are available from 20th century. Planning to implement birth control system is call family planning. Now a days Contraception is an unmet need for both developed and developing countries. Around 222 million of women in developing countries are not accessible to modern contraception methods and always remained an unmet need. 

Annual congress on Women’s Health | Women’s Health Conferences | European Congress on Women’s Health | Euro Women’s Health 2018

  • Track 8-1Contraception: Current social barriers, unmet need and challenges
  • Track 8-2Modern contraception methods: Intra Uterine Devices (IUDs), Depo Provera, Contraceptive implants, Diaphragms, progestogen-only pill (POP) etc.
  • Track 8-3Other Long Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC)
  • Track 8-4Traditional Contraceptive methods: Tubal Ligation (Sterilisation), Vasectomy, NuvaRing (Vaginal Ring), Postnatal Contraception etc.
  • Track 8-5Side effects, Pros and cons of various contraception methods
  • Track 9-1Diet for healthy breast-feeding women
  • Track 9-2Perinatal & Infant Health
  • Track 9-3Children with Special Health Care Needs
  • Track 9-4Adolescent & Young Adult Health
  • Track 9-5Child Health: Treatment of illnesses such as diarrhoea, pneumonia, and malaria Water, sanitation, and hygiene
  • Track 9-6Prevention of Communicable diseases
  • Track 10-1Perinatology: Health issues & Management
  • Track 10-2Management of health concerns of mother and fetus prior, during, & shortly after pregnancy
  • Track 10-3Dermatological problems in pregnancy & Management
  • Track 10-4Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
  • Track 10-5Management of Nausea and Vomiting of Pregnancy and Hyperemesis Gravidarum
  • Track 10-6Advanced Care for High-Risk Pregnancies
  • Track 10-7High-risk management for complicated pregnancies
  • Track 10-8Medical. Surgical, Obstetrical, Fetal and Genetics complications of pregnancy
  • Track 10-9Prenatal care and deliveries to both high risk pregnancy and low-risk patients
  • Track 10-10Women’s GYN care throughout patients’ reproductive lifetimes
  • Track 10-11Diagnostic testing and procedures (CVS, Amniocentesis, Fetal Echocardiography, Saline Infusion Sonohysterograms)
  • Track 10-12Genetic Counseling and Advanced Genetic Testing
  • Track 10-13Gestational Diabetes Management
  • Track 11-1Reproductive endocrinology and infertility
  • Track 11-2Female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery
  • Track 11-3Pediatric and adolescent gynecology
  • Track 11-4Menopausal and geriatric gynecology
  • Track 11-5Advanced Life Support in Obstetrics (ALSO)
  • Track 11-6Management of emergent OB/GYN situations
  • Track 11-7Obstetric and gynecologic problems, issues, and perspectives, such as maternal mortality and family planning
  • Track 12-1Breast Cancer: Screening, Diagnosis & Treatment
  • Track 12-2Breast Cancer Rehabilitation/Survivorship
  • Track 12-3Breast Cancer: Clinical Trials
  • Track 12-4Breast Cancer: Current treatment trends & Future treatments
  • Track 13-1Gynecological Cancers (Womens Cancers): Screening, Diagnosis, treatment & Management
  • Track 13-2Cervical Cancer
  • Track 13-3Gestational Trophoblastic Disease (GTD)
  • Track 13-4Primary Peritoneal Cancer
  • Track 13-5Ovarian Cancer
  • Track 13-6Uterine/Endometrial Cancer
  • Track 13-7Vaginal Cancer
  • Track 13-8Vulvar Cancer
  • Track 13-9Womb cancer
  • Track 14-1Infertility management techniques & advancements: In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Intrauterine insemination (IUI),Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), Ovarian Stimulation, and other Assisted reproductive technology (ART)
  • Track 14-2Complications of infertility treatments: Multiple pregnancy, Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS), Bleeding or infection etc.
  • Track 14-3Diagnostic tests for Infertility: Ovulation testing, Hysterosalpingography, Ovarian reserve testing, Imaging tests, Hysteroscopy, Laparoscopy, Genetic testing, and hormonal testings etc.
  • Track 14-4Sexual Health assessment
  • Track 14-5Innovations in IVF & Management of miscarriage
  • Track 16-1STDs during Pregnancy
  • Track 16-2Common sexually transmitted infections (STIs): Chlamydia, Chancroid, Crabs (pubic lice), Genital herpes, Hepatitis B, HIV and AIDS, Human Papillomavirus (HPV), Trichomoniasis, Molluscum contagiosum & others
  • Track 16-3Awareness, Guidelines, Screening, Diagnosis, Management & Treatment of STDs & STIs
  • Track 16-4STDs & Infertility
  • Track 16-5Clinical Trials in Sexually Transmitted Diseases
  • Track 17-1Heart disease presentation, diagnosis and management
  • Track 17-2 Heart disease in women: Understand symptoms and risk factors
  • Track 17-3Unique cardiovascular conditions in women
  • Track 17-4Counsel women with pre-existing heart disease on risks of pregnancy
  • Track 17-5Normal cardiovascular hemodynamics of pregnancy
  • Track 17-6Manage women with cardiovascular disease during pregnancy, labor and delivery
  • Track 17-7Heart disease risk factors for women: Diabetes, Mental stress and depression, Menopause, Smoking, Coronary microvascular disease (MVD), Broken heart syndrome, Pregnancy complications etc.
  • Track 17-8Heart Attack Symptoms in Women
  • Track 17-9Preventing Heart Disease in Women
  • Track 18-1Diagnosis and Management of Common Mental Health Issues: Depression, anxiety, perinatal depression, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, and perimenopause-related depression
  • Track 18-2Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder (Manic-Depressive Illness) & Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in women
  • Track 18-3Mental health of women in mid-life
  • Track 18-4Psychological distress, sexual violence, domestic violence and escalating rates of substance use and social implications
  • Track 18-5 Effects of estrogen on memory, behavior, cognition, and emotion